Sunday, July 26, 2009

Still in Argentina??

From the looks of it, no. But alas, I type furiously away at a coffee shop that not only accepts around 9 forms of payment, has WIFI and plenty of plugs to connect your lap top (usually hard to come by) but ALSO has a loft lounge upstairs complete with fancy lighting and leather sofachairs.. 

So welcome to Buenos Aires- streets glittered with Starbucks, McDonalds, TGIFridays, and (so as to not disappoint every Argentine woman) shoe stores and hairdressers!!

Well, off to explore. 
Be home in 4 days!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Quejando Means Complaining

I've been doing a lot of 'quejando' this week because I have to take a final on my last day in Córdoba (this FRIDAY 2 days AHH). Which means I've spent time studying cooped up in my house alone. Then I realized that this is childish and while yes understandable (it sucks to have to study) I have had such a pleasant/enjoyable/great/awesome/(insert positive adjective here) time that I should have no qualms with having to put in a little effort my last few days. 

Yesterday I decided to go on a run to get out of my weird Emily Dickinson-like funk (yes thats two days in a row if youve been reading diligently) and it was mildly chilly. I left when it was semi sprinkling but the sun was out and there was a briskness in the air making my breath very apparent running down Obispo Trejo. I love runs outside in that weather...even better coupled with some strange looks by bundled Argentines probably thinking "que loca". In fact when I got to the gym the lady working asked if I came from outside dressed in shorts and a t shirt "like that!!" (where else would I come from? a teleportation device?). Anyways on the way back from my gym I stopped by the piercing place to talk to my homey Martin. I invited him to my going away party this Friday and he recruited me help out with some english translations for some tatoo phrases.

After that, I decided to ring Lucas's doorbell who lives a block away from there. 
Realized that I have 3 days left...untill who knows when, to randomly stop by and say hi to friends like him (how sad). By the time I left his house, there was no sun out, it was freezing cold and I had one of those showers where you can't really tell if the water is super hot or cold because I was numb.

My roommate Gera finally got home today!! 

He was traveling up in the north after our trip to Iguazu and I'm so glad he's back. My goal for spring break 2010? Get to mexico and visit all of my mexican friends I've made here. Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico I come??? 

My little brother is sucha  baller. Hes been invited to try out for a national baseball team..not much a surprise since hes played for national traveling teams.

Wish I could have seen him be the little stud he is....

Time to go Study. Yes. Excited, motivated, looking forward to it...ehh...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My brains the cliff and my hearts the bitter buffalo

Its 8:39 AM. I fell asleep sometime around 8 PM last night unintentionally- apparent by my uncomfortable jeans, bra, scarf, etc that were still on just a half hour ago. I knew I was sleepy, but man...12 hours. Anyways, I'd like to think that this is my body saying, "Teresa in just 9 short days you WILL revert back to your ways of sleeping before the sun comes out, waking up before 12 (most days...), and eating dinner at 6 instead of 11." Apart from Sunday, I've been going to bed much earlier and getting up before 9. I even went on a run the other day (very anti Teresa in Córdoba, I'm really sore today). And "why not Sunday" seems to be the leftover question. Heres the answer: went to an Asado at the 194 Larañaga house- I never know what to call it because I'm friends with everyone (all 5) that lives there. Mark, the 29 year old aspiring writer, guitar playing, Korea loving estadounidense left yesterday so we had a going away party for him. Feasted on delicious chorizo, steak, bread, wine.... One of my last asados here. Anyways, even more proof of my body preparing for the change? During the party, at around 2 AM, I was a Lame Lara and went and took a nap in Emilys bad while everyone kept hanging out on the terrace because I was THAT tired. I woke up at 4 and continued to socialize....Was home by 530.

I know I've mentioned how I seem to strike up random conversations in random places. Mainly it stays at the "random conversation level" But one person I've actually become friends with is Maria Jose, she works at the Kiosco/Fruit&veggie place right across from my house (you can see it from my front door). Anyways, last night she came over and we had some coffee and talked for about an hour. I love how fascinated people can be about the United States/San Francisco/my life/everything. I don't know what the point of mentioning this was.....Maybe becuase I'll really miss that. The other day I went to the "vegetariano" (a dank vegetarian restaurant) with Mark and I ran into my used book store friend, the old man who gave me recommendations and invited me for a beer. I have to remember to stop by before I leave Cordoba. I'm realizing this city isn't so big after all...

Christmas music just came on my shuffle. It kinda feels like Christmas here because its rainy and cold. Actually, I had "its beginning to look a lot like christmas" stuck in my head yesterday....

Ants attacked my honey!!!! This morning I went to make some chamomile/anis tea....and tragically discovered that ants had found a little pot of gold to feast on. (Or what is it ants do??)

9 dayyyyyyyyyyssssss ajhhhhhhhhhhh

Thursday, July 16, 2009

2 Weeks to Go

 Yes, I'll allow myself to be cliche for a moment: Time flies! In a week I'll be taking my last final and heading out to Buenos Aires for my last 5 or so days in Argentina. Its surreal to think back about arriving at the airport with my backpack and duffel bag and my first crazy landlord waiting for me (thank god I moved).  I'm not gonna continue with the reflection theme in this entry quite yet. I don't know if I'm ready to go. Rather, ready to accept the fact that I have one week left here in Córdoba, a place I quickly grew to love and feel at home. I've expressed these feelings to various bittersweet my departure is. I really love it here. I enjoy the people, the places, the culture, the struggles, the studying (more like struggling...), the daily encounters, the spanish (oh the spanish!), my new landlord and his jokes, feeling like an outsider/trying to pretend not to be/very apparently being one. AH! But how I miss San Francisco, my family, everything that comes with home. Thus my difficulties with leaving. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the people I love and miss but will really miss Argentina. I'll be back I guess, right????
Anyways, heres Iguazu in a few pictures.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


¡GREETINGS from the Province of Misiones!
After 24 hours of quality bus time....Gera and I arrived in Iguazu. Today we visited an old jesuit mission, and some mines. I was tired and cold, thus not so stoked on either...regardless it was good to see. We went with a tour agency so we took the bus up with a group, have eaten our meals with a group, etc. There are some CHARACTERS so far which are entertaining. I particularly enjoy the awkward woman from maryland who married an argentine who barely speaks english (how does that work? haha) She waves at me a lot. From across the table, when she walks by me on the bus, in the gift shop. She also shook my hand when I first met her which I guess isn't weird, but I've gotten accustomed to kissing on the cheek to greet people so it felt kinda awkward.
Anyways, tonight had some lasagna and  split a bottle of wine. RIght now I'm in the hotel lobby watching Gera flirt with girls at the computer. He is so adorable!

Also just skyped with home, and this is what I'm missing tonight:

My little brother is playing really well these days, and tonight hes pitching. Hes been all over the local news etc. I wish I could watch him!!

18 days I'll be stateside.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Package Came, Friend Went, Birthday Passed

Walking around the city last week:

Went to a museum the other day by my house for the second time:

I wasn't really going for the pissed off look...
Yesterday on my way out to Gera's birthday dinner I noticed I got mail from the Dank Tank. Man I miss my friends. They're really awesome. They sent letters, some art, and ...ribbon? I come home  3 weeks from tomorrow!!!! 
A giraffe print Simone made:

I had a true "I have no academic responsability for the next 3 weeks" attitude this past weekend. (Even though I do have a final the 23rd) Thursday night I went over to my friend Sabats house and hung out...then headed to Dorian  (he works there too). Friday night went over to a friends house, went to a few bars in my neighborhood that were horrible. Had a revelation that the neighborhood I live in really IS full of students and way too many boliches/bars and they're kinda grimy. We went into 2 and stayed for no more than 10 minutes in each. Then Maggie and I headed to Dorian. Ended the night with her and Sabat and got food, had some discussions about leaving this place, etc etc. Saturday went to Paseo de Los Artes, bought a really pretty ring (have I mentioned I'm almost broke?) and then went to a Emily's for a 4th of July party. Woo american independence. I showed up in the middle of everyone, as in all the Americans, singing the National Anthem. We had a bbq with burgers and hotdogs and listened to Nsync, Michael Jackson, and Bob Dylan. Mark, one of the roommates from the east coast played some was really nice out and their house has a big terraza thats night to hang out on. Marks leaving soon  and the rooomates made a goodbye powerpoint for him...
Me and Gera

Later on that night, Mario (whos new to the house with the terraza, from Mexico), Maggie , and I headed in a taxi to The Basque Cultural Center for a party. On our way, the taxista dropped us of a good 5 blocks away. We walked by this restaurant full of a people singing, playing guitar, drinking wine. They saw us walk by and invited is in. Greeted us, introduced us to everyone, turns out it was a birthday party. They continued singing and playing music. Mario played some Mexican songs..We ended up staying for about an hour with these people who were telling jokes (most of which I didn't understand) and treated us like family. It was great....We finally told them we had to get going. Not before exchanging numbers and getting a few pictures (man I love argentines):

Anyways, we made it to the Basque center in time for some basque dancing...

Sunday woke up and cleaned the house, made a cake and prepared for a little party at my place for Gera's 20th birthday/Maggies going away. It was sad to see all the people who won't get to see her for a while...Gera had a good birthday I think. My cake wasn't the most aesthetic treat I've ever made, but it had lots of love and dulce de leche...

Salvador showed up, I spent my birthday with him in Mendoza....3 months ago already. wow.

I'm gonna go over to Emilys for an Asado right now. Then I have to do my school work before Friday.....Going up to Iguazu and doing some traveling. I'm now experiencing my final days in Cordoba. How sad.

Currently listening to: Gera singing Coldplay and Dixie Chicks in the other room. over this-