Sunday, July 12, 2009


¡GREETINGS from the Province of Misiones!
After 24 hours of quality bus time....Gera and I arrived in Iguazu. Today we visited an old jesuit mission, and some mines. I was tired and cold, thus not so stoked on either...regardless it was good to see. We went with a tour agency so we took the bus up with a group, have eaten our meals with a group, etc. There are some CHARACTERS so far which are entertaining. I particularly enjoy the awkward woman from maryland who married an argentine who barely speaks english (how does that work? haha) She waves at me a lot. From across the table, when she walks by me on the bus, in the gift shop. She also shook my hand when I first met her which I guess isn't weird, but I've gotten accustomed to kissing on the cheek to greet people so it felt kinda awkward.
Anyways, tonight had some lasagna and  split a bottle of wine. RIght now I'm in the hotel lobby watching Gera flirt with girls at the computer. He is so adorable!

Also just skyped with home, and this is what I'm missing tonight:

My little brother is playing really well these days, and tonight hes pitching. Hes been all over the local news etc. I wish I could watch him!!

18 days I'll be stateside.

1 comment:

  1. TERESA!!!! Fun fun fun. Good times in Argentina eh?
