Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Argentina, I love you...no buts.

Alright,  maybe I shouldn't devote entries to complaining....right? After all I'm really enjoying my time here. So this entry will be a bit scattered I feel. Its been a while since I've updated on what I'm doing hm? 

And everyones dying to know what I've been up I'm sure...

The last couple weeks have been the first "stressful" weeks in the sense that I had my first midterm in my Seguridad Internacional class. So for a week I hit the books, studying at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba library (I go to Universidad Católica de Córdoba...the Jesuit uni) Hey...look, its us, studying diligently (notice studious background??)!!:

My test was really hard, 2 essays (one on the Peruvian terrorist group Sendero Luminoso, and the other on the Basque Country terrorist group ETA) and 25 multiple choice. But I gotta tell you it felt pretty gratifying to think that I legitimately took a test in Spanish and passed. JA. WOo.

Besides school and all that, I've been enjoying my time living at 1027 Obispo Trejo, hanging out with my roommates. The other day I cooked pasta for dinner for them (below, Gera my roomy from Mexico:)
When I'm not hangin at my place, I'm at school (HA..not really), or maybe at Maggies...
Meet Ekaitz, one of her roommates from Basque country. He's sort of like a teddy bear.

My friend Pablo y Mags:

Lucas, the VJ: 

Two weekends ago, I went out with my friend Saskia. We went to a "mexican party" which meant there were a lot of Mexicans and people with painted mexican flags on their cheeks. It was alright I guess. After we headed over to a club, Dorian Gray, where Lucas does the video projections. I think I might have ran into everyone I possibly could of, including the head of the exchange students at my school, Gabriel. You'd think that'd be awkward...but no. Saw some classmates, danced, met some people, the usual. There was a Cabaret show  which was basically anorexic looking girls and guys doing choreographed dances and a drag queen dressed up at Queen Elizabeth and a Cleopatra impersonator. I didn't really get it, but apparently it was a big deal?? Anyways, we headed back to my place and hung out...We're kinda weird:
Also last week I went over to Lucas's for dinner and realized just how much I want to perfect my spanish. Sitting at a table with his best friend, brother and parents almost frustrated me because although my speaking capabilities and comprehension have definitely progressed, I'm definitely NOT a native speaker (just to point out the obvious). And as such, don't pick up on everything. It can be really annoying when you want to freely communicate, understand jokes, have comebacks to jokes, etc but there is that barrier. So I'm waiting for that moment of clarity. In this effort I've been inundating myself with more spanish music which is AWESOME. Check out Juana Molina, an Argentine comedian turned singer (who I'm actually listening to right now):

Hmmm, what else. OH! Today I waited three  hours in office of immigration to finish getting my student Visa. As my friend commented "the service there makes the DMV look like the best customer service there is to offer" . .. Seriously. GAH. its over, thats all that matters.

Last weekend I had a really really great weekend. On Thursday evening I took a bus to San Marcos de las Sierras, about 4 hours away. Sleeping bag, tent and a few things in the backpack including tomatoes and my iPod, we arrived around 10 in the small small town. I mean, most of the pueblo is a plaza, and some dirt roads that extend from it. We met a guy on the bus from Uruguay whos been traveling all around South America and headed out to find somewhere to sleep. It was surprisingly really warm, no tent needed. We set up sleeping bags next to the river and the 4 of us (Uruguay, Maggie, Emily, y me) plus a local who we met in route looked at the stars, talked about snakes, unusually warm weather, rivers, and the going ons of San Marcos.

Friday we hiked up the river and found an awesome place to camp out and some other friends (Saskia, her boyfriend and his friend) met up. We spent most of the day relaxing by the river and walking aroudn the town looking for food or some open place. It was some holiday so we didn't have class and also nothing was open. Great because we didn't bring anything to eat except some tomatoes, walnuts and crackers. 
Setting up tent and the little pool by our campsite:

Me being awkward in a solo shot, figures:

Anyways, Saturday we packed  up and went to another River, Rio Quilpo (http://www.rioquilpo.com.ar/fotos.htm)
Drank some mate:

Saw the cutest father and son fishing in front of us:

Ate some pan casero (think really really delicious homemade bread) and the BEST HONEY I've ever had in my life. Made from wild bees there in the Sierras...sadly spilled everywhere later on and was attacked by bees. Instead of leaving my heart in San Marcos, I left my honey:

Watched the sun set at Quilpo:
And hung with the locals later that night in the town. There was live music that was awesome and just a bunch of really cool people. Definitely a stark contrast between boliche/club goers and laid back river people.

Above you'll note Ezequiel, he lives in San Marcos and professed his undying love for me last weekend because of my "onda" and aura.... Weird. I kindly declined his offer for marriage. By the way, he kinda looks like this without his beanie:

Well Maggie and I stayed till Monday morning because we just couldn't get ourselves to leave. Had Seguridad Internacional class at 3 and made it...smelly and all. 
I want to go back already.

In between then, I've been playing nurse because Gera is sick with some sort of throat thing. I went to the DR with him Tuesday and have been making get better drinks with ginger and citrus fruits. I now have adopted the excessively-washing-your-hands disease in efforts to not get whatever the hell he has. Him enjoying some homemade pizza Maggie and I made a couple of weeks ago..I think he'd give you a thumbs down with the way he's feeling right now:

Well, this has been quite fun, now that I have carpel tunnel in my left hand from typing. 
Less than three months left!!

Un beso,

PS In the last 9 days, I've showered twice....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Argentina I love you but...

1. Your post office is wildly inefficient.
Last week I received a notice at my house saying that I had a package. Eagerly anticipating something birthday related from my parents I went on Friday, got my number, waited for an hour and then was informed I needed to have my passport (a  copy wouldn't suffice) Come back tomorrow! That night I went out to a concert (Brasilian band & awesome band from Córdoba) got home pretty late and dragged myself out of bed with the only motivation that I would be leaving with hands full and a bed awaiting me for a nap. Alas, the customs part of the post office isn't open on Saturdays and since it was sent from the States, it needed to be opened to assure mom and dad were shipping me some of that quality California cocaine...God knows I'm not mere kilometers away from the Cocaine capitals of the world (Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Colombia/Venezuela/Peru etc) Went Monday!! (3rd time, yes yes IS a charm) Still had to wait 2 hours. Argy- why does your "Correo" system suffer so?

2. Everyone that lives here picks up on my accent at some point or another.
I get it. I'm "Gringa" , "yanqui" "estadounidense" "San Francisco". Whatever. I'm trying to adjust to the Argentine accent, the Cordobes vernacular, the different tenses and commands specific only to this country and no where else. I feel like I'm definitely progressing. But sometimes, when I go to a "kiosco" (little store equivalent I'd say to a small liquor store/minimart, but omnipresent on par with starbucks in the US) and just want a Bon o Bon or Oreos and some orange juice....the second thing out of the guy's mouth doesn't have to be "De dónde sos vos?" (Where are you from?) Tonight, example, Maggie and I made delicious pasta and salad for dinner. Craved something sweet. Walked down start peering the treats. Talk to the guy and he of course asks me where I'm from and now wants me to come by so he can practice his English with me...I digress...one more thing "sos" and "vos" are only used in Argentina...say them in any other spanish speaking country and it may not be understood...

3. You're turning me mildly nocturnal.
Its 2:53 AM, need I delve deeply into this one? Not to mention concerts don't start and clubs don't open till 1AMish on weekends...

4. You've caused addictions.

Meet my best friend, Citric. You can buy it any "Kiosco" for under 5 pesos, big carton or little. Think Odwalla orange juice in a carton. Fresh. Perfect amount of natural pulp. Cheap. Comes in orange, grapefuit, and lemon. Freshly squeezed juice thats gotta have crack in it. I go through cartons a week. Citric, I love you. Really.

5. You don't have mexican food. Anywhere. 
I never thought I'd admit to missing the KFC/Taco Bell on 6th and Geary. But man...a cheesy gordita crunch or just a bean and cheese burrito no onions sounds really good.

I miss the combos and the coupons. And wearing beezy masks with Cathleen:

A bit farther away these days, aren't I?

Argentina I love you but... I gotta go to bed!

Monday, April 13, 2009

21 and then some

(ATTENTION readers, ladies, gentlemen, transgenders, lovers, haters, peacemakers, bakers, and wanna be  empanada makers..I started this blog last week, and I'm here to finish it. Hence, times/etc may not make sense. and truths are now mere ideas of the past...nevertheless, enjoy)

Well, this post not only serves as an worldwideweb tour of my last week's events, but also perpetuates my procrastination. I have history homework due tomorrow and what do I do? Get ice cream, eat cereal, spend excessive amounts of time on facebook, shower...wait, I didn't shower. Anyways, I'm writing this blog from my dining/living room area thing with 9 1/2 hours left till history class. This past weekend a few important things happened. 1. I traveled for the first time outside of Córdoba. 2. I ate at a Mexican Restaurant for the first time since arriving in Córdoba. 3. I got mildly homesick for the first time. which is probably because of number 4: I turned 21.

Some space to reflect in how awesome being 21 is here (NOOOTTT) haha. No difference really...

This weekened I went to Mendoza which is famous for a plethora of wineries among other touristy attractions. After taking the 10 hour bus ride Wednesday night, arrived THursday morning and walked around the city. A lot. Slept beautifully that night, woke up at 6 Friday to
see just what the city has to offer. I'll mention it has to offerrrrrr- HEAT. It was a warm, no HOT, sunny day. Which was only intensified by me and my travel companions journey through the city's largest park. 

Man,we walked forever (note resting below)

Walking through the park was a little bit like this...

 This was after ascending whatever we ascended. There was some sort of monument, but to be totally frank I was fairly apathetic to the whole idea of finding out its significance given the distance we walked etc. Might I add theres transportation but one of my fellow travel buddies didn't want ot spend the money to get the ride.
To return I ended up talking to a guy that works at the park and he gave us a ride and a nice little tour/history of the park while he was at it. I tried really hard not to fall asleep.

Friday woke up nice and early, and by that I mean 5 am ish, to take the bus up to Alta Montaña. (about 4 hours to get there from Mendoza) This is where the Andes Mountains chill out (heard of them?), the Chilean border rests, an Incan bridge is situated, and where some park with a ridiculous name is. 

Early morning skies en route: Mira la luna!

Chilean border:
Monument at Chilean border signifying peace between the two countries:

The park:

Mates for sale at the inca bridge stop:

Might I add  at this point in the blog that we had some difficulty with the ride situation because we didn't opt to take a tour to be more economical so in between there was lots of waiting and attempts to get rides from other  tourists we met who had cars.

Anyways...next day was my birthday (woo hoo) and we rented bikes and rode all around the wineries..

That night I ate mexican food with one of the guys I was traveling with Salvador who is from Mexico. We shared fajitas. God the food was so good

And my first drink as a 21 year old you're all dying to know?
Coca Cola light.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Well its Friday night. Today I went to class, took a nap, and uhm....made dinner? Its 10:30 PM and nothings started yet, just waiting for a friend to get to my place. Our friend Nelson (with the pool- pictures below) is throwing a birthday party for Maggie and Kelly(who's bday is tomorrow). He lives in Villa Allende, about a 20 minute bus ride away. Tomorrow night its a reggae concert and this other band Adicta is playing close by to the reggae so I have  fun weekend plans ahead of me.

Anyways, did i Mention I moved? My new house RULES!! I have a german roommate named Sarah and a Mexican roommate named Geraldo. I also have wireless internet which means now I waste time on the internet before I go to bed...before I would just play freecell or watch movies because I'm a nerd.

I'm still unsure where I"ll be on my birthday/ Easter..was thinking of Chile, now thinking Mendoza. 

//// this blog doesn't have much purpose..time filler ////


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Did I mention how much I enjoy Wednesdays??

Tomorrow is some holiday so we don't have class (I love Argentina!!)

Yesterday was Maggie's 21st birthday!! Note the festive party hats below..

On Monday before our 3 oclock class we draaaggeed ourselves out of bed to awake before 12 (mission accomplished) and headed over to Mercado Norte which is this indoor market with meet vendors, fruits and veggie vendors...rare food vendors etc. I saw whole lambs and pigs hanging waiting to be cooked and it was nauseating to say in the least. Anyways, after circling the place we finally found one place that sold cheddar cheese!!! Also black beans (which you'd think be standard here and definitely aren't) The fruits of our search manifested themselves last night in one of the most delicious dinners I've had here (minus a chicken onion curry sandwhich panini I had a couple weekends ago) Maggie is from New Mexico and made tasty chicken enchiladas and I cooked up some cuban black beans and some spanish rice. WIth some guacamole and pico de gallo contributions about 10 of us feasted like kings.Side note..if you want to exaggerate or say  "a lot" or "very" the technical word is "Muy" some of you may know this. But in Cordoba, because they have their own set of words for everything...they use "rey" which means king. I thought that was interesting. Anyways last night was fun, birthdays are always fun. Tonight we're going out dancing to celebrate some more. Speaking of which..my birthday is in 10 days- weiiird.  

This past weekend (to fill in some gaps), we went to a classmates house. It was 18 peso cab ride which is a LOT here..even though I guess its only about 5 bucks. The house was in a suburb still in Cordoba but with houses, land, pools, etc. It was kinda weird only because I saw EVERYONE from all my classes. There were a few other exchange students there and I'm sure we all stood out. THe way the universities work here, you have a track and you take all your classes with the same group of people so everyone knows everyone etc. You don't really ever get to know people in other careers (ex: architecture people dont really hang out with political science people) I was telling this guy Francisco (who might be one of the most endearing people I've ever met) that my roommates in SF are art and french majors and I'm a business major and that idea was very bizarre to him... I'll take this time to shout out to ma homiez Audrey Cathleen Lara Simone  I miss you all!! Also, I was recently accepted to be a Resident Advisor so I'll be living in the freshman dorms next year.. woooo.

My classes are starting to get hard in the sense I have homework and lots of reading to do but I guess thats a good thing. I made argentine friends in them (Mili and Lu) these two girls that are really cool. One lives close to me. Its nice to hang out with locals...
I guess thats all I really wanted to say jaja. Well my computer is about to die and I'm at one of my schools campus without an adapter for my charger....

Hasta la proxima!

Photobooth fun from last night: 

Me, maggie and her german roommate saskia

From l to right- kelly who lives in my building yo, ramiro from mexico who lives with maggie, gus hiding in the back (saskias boyfriend), and maggie
me, ekaitz (maggie's roomate  from basque country), and maggie
this is us having fun  !? jajaja