Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Argentina I love you but...

1. Your post office is wildly inefficient.
Last week I received a notice at my house saying that I had a package. Eagerly anticipating something birthday related from my parents I went on Friday, got my number, waited for an hour and then was informed I needed to have my passport (a  copy wouldn't suffice) Come back tomorrow! That night I went out to a concert (Brasilian band & awesome band from Córdoba) got home pretty late and dragged myself out of bed with the only motivation that I would be leaving with hands full and a bed awaiting me for a nap. Alas, the customs part of the post office isn't open on Saturdays and since it was sent from the States, it needed to be opened to assure mom and dad were shipping me some of that quality California cocaine...God knows I'm not mere kilometers away from the Cocaine capitals of the world (Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Colombia/Venezuela/Peru etc) Went Monday!! (3rd time, yes yes IS a charm) Still had to wait 2 hours. Argy- why does your "Correo" system suffer so?

2. Everyone that lives here picks up on my accent at some point or another.
I get it. I'm "Gringa" , "yanqui" "estadounidense" "San Francisco". Whatever. I'm trying to adjust to the Argentine accent, the Cordobes vernacular, the different tenses and commands specific only to this country and no where else. I feel like I'm definitely progressing. But sometimes, when I go to a "kiosco" (little store equivalent I'd say to a small liquor store/minimart, but omnipresent on par with starbucks in the US) and just want a Bon o Bon or Oreos and some orange juice....the second thing out of the guy's mouth doesn't have to be "De dónde sos vos?" (Where are you from?) Tonight, example, Maggie and I made delicious pasta and salad for dinner. Craved something sweet. Walked down start peering the treats. Talk to the guy and he of course asks me where I'm from and now wants me to come by so he can practice his English with me...I digress...one more thing "sos" and "vos" are only used in Argentina...say them in any other spanish speaking country and it may not be understood...

3. You're turning me mildly nocturnal.
Its 2:53 AM, need I delve deeply into this one? Not to mention concerts don't start and clubs don't open till 1AMish on weekends...

4. You've caused addictions.

Meet my best friend, Citric. You can buy it any "Kiosco" for under 5 pesos, big carton or little. Think Odwalla orange juice in a carton. Fresh. Perfect amount of natural pulp. Cheap. Comes in orange, grapefuit, and lemon. Freshly squeezed juice thats gotta have crack in it. I go through cartons a week. Citric, I love you. Really.

5. You don't have mexican food. Anywhere. 
I never thought I'd admit to missing the KFC/Taco Bell on 6th and Geary. But man...a cheesy gordita crunch or just a bean and cheese burrito no onions sounds really good.

I miss the combos and the coupons. And wearing beezy masks with Cathleen:

A bit farther away these days, aren't I?

Argentina I love you but... I gotta go to bed!

1 comment:

  1. man i need to shower too.... that citric looks good and i can tell i would be addicted too. i miss you!!!
