Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Did I mention how much I enjoy Wednesdays??

Tomorrow is some holiday so we don't have class (I love Argentina!!)

Yesterday was Maggie's 21st birthday!! Note the festive party hats below..

On Monday before our 3 oclock class we draaaggeed ourselves out of bed to awake before 12 (mission accomplished) and headed over to Mercado Norte which is this indoor market with meet vendors, fruits and veggie vendors...rare food vendors etc. I saw whole lambs and pigs hanging waiting to be cooked and it was nauseating to say in the least. Anyways, after circling the place we finally found one place that sold cheddar cheese!!! Also black beans (which you'd think be standard here and definitely aren't) The fruits of our search manifested themselves last night in one of the most delicious dinners I've had here (minus a chicken onion curry sandwhich panini I had a couple weekends ago) Maggie is from New Mexico and made tasty chicken enchiladas and I cooked up some cuban black beans and some spanish rice. WIth some guacamole and pico de gallo contributions about 10 of us feasted like kings.Side note..if you want to exaggerate or say  "a lot" or "very" the technical word is "Muy" some of you may know this. But in Cordoba, because they have their own set of words for everything...they use "rey" which means king. I thought that was interesting. Anyways last night was fun, birthdays are always fun. Tonight we're going out dancing to celebrate some more. Speaking of birthday is in 10 days- weiiird.  

This past weekend (to fill in some gaps), we went to a classmates house. It was 18 peso cab ride which is a LOT here..even though I guess its only about 5 bucks. The house was in a suburb still in Cordoba but with houses, land, pools, etc. It was kinda weird only because I saw EVERYONE from all my classes. There were a few other exchange students there and I'm sure we all stood out. THe way the universities work here, you have a track and you take all your classes with the same group of people so everyone knows everyone etc. You don't really ever get to know people in other careers (ex: architecture people dont really hang out with political science people) I was telling this guy Francisco (who might be one of the most endearing people I've ever met) that my roommates in SF are art and french majors and I'm a business major and that idea was very bizarre to him... I'll take this time to shout out to ma homiez Audrey Cathleen Lara Simone  I miss you all!! Also, I was recently accepted to be a Resident Advisor so I'll be living in the freshman dorms next year.. woooo.

My classes are starting to get hard in the sense I have homework and lots of reading to do but I guess thats a good thing. I made argentine friends in them (Mili and Lu) these two girls that are really cool. One lives close to me. Its nice to hang out with locals...
I guess thats all I really wanted to say jaja. Well my computer is about to die and I'm at one of my schools campus without an adapter for my charger....

Hasta la proxima!

Photobooth fun from last night: 

Me, maggie and her german roommate saskia

From l to right- kelly who lives in my building yo, ramiro from mexico who lives with maggie, gus hiding in the back (saskias boyfriend), and maggie
me, ekaitz (maggie's roomate  from basque country), and maggie
this is us having fun  !? jajaja

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