Monday, April 13, 2009

21 and then some

(ATTENTION readers, ladies, gentlemen, transgenders, lovers, haters, peacemakers, bakers, and wanna be  empanada makers..I started this blog last week, and I'm here to finish it. Hence, times/etc may not make sense. and truths are now mere ideas of the past...nevertheless, enjoy)

Well, this post not only serves as an worldwideweb tour of my last week's events, but also perpetuates my procrastination. I have history homework due tomorrow and what do I do? Get ice cream, eat cereal, spend excessive amounts of time on facebook, shower...wait, I didn't shower. Anyways, I'm writing this blog from my dining/living room area thing with 9 1/2 hours left till history class. This past weekend a few important things happened. 1. I traveled for the first time outside of Córdoba. 2. I ate at a Mexican Restaurant for the first time since arriving in Córdoba. 3. I got mildly homesick for the first time. which is probably because of number 4: I turned 21.

Some space to reflect in how awesome being 21 is here (NOOOTTT) haha. No difference really...

This weekened I went to Mendoza which is famous for a plethora of wineries among other touristy attractions. After taking the 10 hour bus ride Wednesday night, arrived THursday morning and walked around the city. A lot. Slept beautifully that night, woke up at 6 Friday to
see just what the city has to offer. I'll mention it has to offerrrrrr- HEAT. It was a warm, no HOT, sunny day. Which was only intensified by me and my travel companions journey through the city's largest park. 

Man,we walked forever (note resting below)

Walking through the park was a little bit like this...

 This was after ascending whatever we ascended. There was some sort of monument, but to be totally frank I was fairly apathetic to the whole idea of finding out its significance given the distance we walked etc. Might I add theres transportation but one of my fellow travel buddies didn't want ot spend the money to get the ride.
To return I ended up talking to a guy that works at the park and he gave us a ride and a nice little tour/history of the park while he was at it. I tried really hard not to fall asleep.

Friday woke up nice and early, and by that I mean 5 am ish, to take the bus up to Alta Montaña. (about 4 hours to get there from Mendoza) This is where the Andes Mountains chill out (heard of them?), the Chilean border rests, an Incan bridge is situated, and where some park with a ridiculous name is. 

Early morning skies en route: Mira la luna!

Chilean border:
Monument at Chilean border signifying peace between the two countries:

The park:

Mates for sale at the inca bridge stop:

Might I add  at this point in the blog that we had some difficulty with the ride situation because we didn't opt to take a tour to be more economical so in between there was lots of waiting and attempts to get rides from other  tourists we met who had cars. day was my birthday (woo hoo) and we rented bikes and rode all around the wineries..

That night I ate mexican food with one of the guys I was traveling with Salvador who is from Mexico. We shared fajitas. God the food was so good

And my first drink as a 21 year old you're all dying to know?
Coca Cola light.

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