Thursday, May 14, 2009

Odds and Ends

I forgot to write about a march I went to the other day (last Wednesday, to be specific) Saskia and I headed to the center of the city to find the long trail of people with drums, posters, signs, flyers,etc. Marches here seem to be relatively frequent for various causes. The one we went to last week addressed the treatment of women, specially trafficking women as sex slaves. Man, I could really get into this subject but this isn't my social justice platform. (Do me a favor? Visit
The front of it:
Saskia, reading a flyer off to the right there:

And it culminated in Plaza San Martin:

This is from the Basque party I went to last weekend (Note Argentine and Basque flags):

Also, I downloaded pictures from Asier's Birthday dinner on Tuesday....
Nico, from Chile...and some really good fish:
Ekaitz, new French roommate Claire, and other Frenchy Marie:
(Ekaitz, after seeing the cake I made [jokingly, of course] said he wanted to marry me...Basque people are in love with anything Basque...)
Happy Birthday! We sang it in 5 different languages (Spanish, Basque, English, French, German) International love at its finest.
After years of denial..I think I should just say, I kinda look like my mom:

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