Saturday, June 13, 2009

End of the Semeter

Friday I officially had my last day of classes- and took probably one of the hardest tests of my life. It was for my ética y política class and consisted of four written responses on, well, ethics...and philosophy, different moral ethical views etc. I definitely didn't feel confident walking out of the class after taking that test, but oh well.
What else is new? I've had this semi-being sick thing for over a week now thats really bothering me. My roommate Sarah's been sick and now I think somethings "going around' as they say.

SO I have 2 finals (both oral) and 3 papers left until I finish the academic portion of being a cordobacanoe. I'm hoping to get to Iguazu falls with Gera at the beginning of July. I can't believe we're halfway through June. I'm not ready to come home yet!
My throat is scratchy and I've been utterly unproductive today. Went out last night for Saskia's going away party - she leaves for Germany monday...Weird, who knows the next time I'll see her. Which leads to me to think about the friendships I've made here. Its really weird to wonder who you'll (I'll...) stay in contact with because I've met people from all over the world. And while Cordoba has been my home for the last 4 months, it will soon be on the other side of the world just as it was in earlier this year. ITs really kinda sad- but I know that I"ll be back here at some point.

anyways, no point in going on about that. Tomorrow I think I'm going to the movies and "Paseo de los Artes'- will post some recent pictures sometime. 

What I'm listening to:

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