Saturday, June 27, 2009

Recent Revelations

(23.6.2009, yacanto de calamuchita, sierras de cordoba)

some obvious ones, some previously realized ones, rambles bla bla bla

1. it sucks to be sick when you're not at home. and by home here i mean your parents house. theres something about that child-like urge to be taken care of by your parents. even if it just means bringing home a jamba juice or letting you complain about how shitty you feel and do nothing on the couch all day.
2. michael jackson is a ridiculous dancer.
mesmerized by his moves: maggie, gera and i watched way too many youtube videos in my room

3. staying out till 8 in the morning is a good way to drain your body (you knew this one, teresa)

4.what would the world be like if everyone told the truth all the time??? (this isn't a revelation, but quite a question to consider)

5. I may not be able to fit all my stuff in my backback and duffel bag to return home thus forced to either a) send packages, and i think ive already expressed my disdain for argentine mail service (where is my tea my mom sent me 2 months ago!!) or b) donate stuff?

6. I'm missing: the gooyness of a warm cinnamon roll, writing papers in english, picking the cookie dough out of icecream, playing with poochy, the dank tank kitchen and the people that filled it (my kitchen here has semi florescent lighting, an awkwardly large table, sqeaky chairs), my family

7. Unless I make an honest effort I'm going to lose some of my spanish when I get back to eeuu

8. Arts and crafts time RULES so I've been doing more of that lately:

9. My conversations with Argentines that materialize in random places also include taxis (last night as another example)

the night started in one place:

and ended in another, with me taking a cab home right after noticing how beautiful the sunrise was:

The other day during arts and crafts time, Leandro the cook whipped up some Spanish tortilla thing with garlic cream chicken that was sooo gooood. might not be able to tell by the picture but....

Leandro, Tim, and Ekaitz:

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